Experimental, Intentional, Essential

A balance between design and practicality. Focused on the wearing experience and interaction with garments. Notion Abstract is bringing a new perspective to intentional clothing with quality to elevate your wardrobe basics.

  • From material to production

    Heavyweight organic cotton straignt from Asheville, NC. Handmade by talented tailors from Oakland, CA. Our sweatshirts belong to the highest tier of Made in USA products. We partner with suppliers that share the same beliefs and care about reducing our impact.

  • Practicing sustainability

    Wash individual sections to conserve water and reduce the overall number of wash cycles your garment goes through in the long run. Replace the parts that typically get more wear instead of the whole sweatshirt. You'll be doing your part to reduce consumption and energy waste.

  • Style your way

    Grab a set of interchangable side panels in a different color way to expand your style possibilities. Switch out both side panels or just one for an unconventional design. Play with partially unzipping the front or back sections. You decide how your sweatshirt looks.

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Explore the collection

Discover the Parallel Zip Sweatshirt collection and see how our interchangeable side panels can help you express your personal style.

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